
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 Retrospective - A Year of POWAA

Hi readers!

POWAA Garage turned a year old last month and since it was founded, it was an awesome race down the motoring road.

We couldn't have done it without you and thanks to your support, POWAA Garage has broken the 20,000 page views today! What a way to start the year!

Looking back at 2013, the POWAA team has covered quite a few features, events, meets, and more, so let's have a quick recap of the highlights with the 6 most popular posts.

First off, the most read post on POWAA Garage was a reader's submitted ride: Kieran's Suzuki Swift Sport, the Battleship Powerhouse.

A popular platform, affordabe with loads of potential, nicely built and with a custom paint job, no wonder you all like it!

Next up, the Black Smoke Maker, Kelvin's VW Caddy.

The in-your-face intercooler sets the tone right away for this clean and functional Caddy. Kelvin loves it, we love it, you love it - everyone loves it, except maybe the environment...

Third in the most read coverage recap, Singapore's Style Society 2013 meet.

Huge and highly awaited meet, with motorheads coming all the way from Malaysia to show off their stance, this meet was nothing but awesome! Looking forward to the Style Society 2014 meet!

#4 in the list, Bernie's Black Fibre Evo X.

The Evo crest speaks for itself, and it seems that a lot of you approve what Bernie did to his!

Another meet made its place in the most read list with 5th place, this time representing the 2 wheelers, with the Vespa pageant, Mama Mia Vespas!

Vespas are, after all, an icon as well as a fashion statement - who wouldn't love them?

Last of the top 6 is a rather recent feature, yet one full of awesomeness - the Datsun B310 of Racing with the Sun.

This car has it all - a history, a nice modification path, a purpose and a real motorhead owner. It is my personal highlight of the year.

You all have sent us a clear message: you like features!
In this light, we'll work herder to give you what you want, and I can tell you right away that we already have some in the works - A boxer is rumbling its way to you, as well as a bit of euro-flavour, so stay tuned!

Don't hesitate to let us know what you want or submit your rides in the comments section, on Facebook or by mail!

On behalf of June, VictorDarren and the POWAA Crew, thank you and let's hit the road hard in 2014!

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